Smart care tile adhesive for tile laying

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Ideal Solution for Tile Splitting

The splitting of tiles or an empty sound on a tiled floor is brought about by the cement and sand mixture which doesn’t shape a level base to cover the whole tile surface when fixing them. The ideal solution for this is to utilize tile adhesives or glass glue.

Tile Adhesive is a processing plant made cementations dry powder which is blended with water or special fluid added substance to shape glass glue, provides problem-free, full sheet material tile/stone establishment.

Thin adhesives have high holding quality enabling the tiles to directly fix to the substrate. The companies made tile adhesives under stringent quality control methods that have proven that they are professionally experienced.

Areas of usage

Tile Adhesives are mainly used in the areas of residential construction, swimming pools, commercial floors, and external cladding.


The main advantage of using glass glue on tile laying is

  • Better flexibility
  • Ultimate strength formula
  • Improved stun and impact resistance
  • Can withstand thermal stress
  • Extreme adaptability
  • Simple to introduce – quick and prudent
  • Hassle-free, durable, and high resistance



Types and Products of Adhesives

Tile adhesive is prepared blended and specially formulated from OPC, chose fine sand, and added substances to improve its fundamental properties for laying tiles. Here are the types of Adhesives used for various purposes.

  • Latex Fortified Thin-Set Adhesives
  • Polymer Modified Thin-Set Adhesives
  • Thin-Set Adhesives
  • Epoxy Adhesives
  • Spot Bonding Adhesive
  • Specialty Adhesive Stone Adhesives
  • Cement Additive
  • Ready To Use Tile Adhesive

Benefits of Choosing Adhesives

Simple to Use

It’s simple to use and it will be now prepared to use after simply blending with water. Stowing item makes it helpful for transportation process, giving low residue and clean working space. Tiles are not should have been splashed, just un-box them and lay.

Fast to lay on the floor

A notched trowel is normally and proficiently used to apply the blend of tile adhesive on the area of about 1 m2. Tiles are then ceaselessly laid onto indented glue and immediately balanced into the lines.

Working quality

Optimum setting time of glass glue enables tiles to be effectively balanced inside a specific timeframe. It makes tiles being laid in line and gives the fine look.

Applying tile adhesive with notched trowel gives full spread on the back of tiles and will lessen numerous issues like broken tiles, notwithstanding of glues, etc. on the corner, water leaking, and recolor or efflorescent.

Full contact of the cement on tiles’ back and substrate gives solid holding quality and enduring tiling work.

 Variety of work

Tile adhesives are formulated according to the specific applications such as to lay tiles, glass mosaics, large-size Granitoand to lay tiles on polished substrates, on drywall system, on existing tiles without expelling them, on outer territories, car parking areas, in swimming pools, and much more.


Laying tiles by utilizing Tile adhesive with indented trowel requires less amount of material, less labor and more affordable.

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