Although, the purpose of everyone who writes an article is that it is published, it is essential to know that it is not the same to publish it in a dissemination journal as to publish it in an arbitrated journal.
An arbitrated magazine or journal receives articles from expert researchers and is addressed only to that audience. These articles, after an initial review of the format, are submitted to a “blind pair” review process, that is, your article is assigned to two different expert reviewers eliminating data that could identify the author, to avoid bias in the opinion, which guarantees that the work has been rigorously reviewed.
How To Choose A Journal To Publish Your Research?
The first thing is to locate the theme of the article. The refereed journals are divided into specific topics and are also classified according to the impact factor. It is important not to neglect aspects such as the number of words or pages, style of citations, structure of the article, etc., since these factors that seem simple can cause our article to be rejected.
The Process To Write A Scientific/Academic Article:
Previous activities: Define what you want to communicate or publish. This means having done a research exercise with a specific methodology: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed and having documented your findings.
The main parts of a scientific article are:
Introduction: show an overview of myadmissionessay and an overview of the context with which your research question relates.
Methodology: This section describes the research method you used and the procedures that led you to obtain the study findings.
Results: This section describes in detail, the findings and makes specific contributions or comments.
Discussion: This section describes the implications of the findings obtained and their impact in the field of knowledge.
Choose the journal in which you will publish with these criteria:
- Is it an arbitrated journal?
- Who reads that magazine?
- Does the magazine have an international audience?
- Who is the editor in chief and who makes up the editorial board?
- What is the impact index of the journal?
- Do you handle only printed or electronic versions or both?
- What is the process of submitting an article for review in this magazine?
When writing your article:
- Find a mentor who reads your article and has published before in high-impact journals
- In the results section, you must explain the results, not just place tables and numbers
- Review the writing style of the articles published in the journal you chose. No doubt, using clear language will always help.