If you have found out what you want to do with your life, then writing of personal mission statement will be a piece of cake for you. But if you have not decided to write your personal mission statement yet, first you should know why you should do it!
Need for writing a personal mission statement:
Although you will find a lot of personal mission statement examples, every person on this earth is unique and talented in his or her own way. But most of us just spend our lives without even knowing what we are doing. Even when we know that our aim is clear, we tend to lose focus quite often because of distractions, emotions, situations that keep on changing every day. Therefore, one must write a mission statement for oneself. It will help to keep in mind what is the aim and how to reach there!
Tips to write your Personal Mission Statement:
- Introspect:
Before you write a personal mission statement, you need to introspect yourself. You need to be sure that your aim is exactly the right thing for you or not! Then you need to concentrate on your desires whether the aim that you have chosen to follow is a desire of your heart or is it a recreation of the pressurized situation of your life! At times people just confuse their degree with the aim of their life. However, it does not have to be true. Some people want to have a mission to earn money through good or bad means while others may just want to help the needy or just grow up their children with all love and care. So, analyze within yourself that what you want- do you really want it?
- Assess your abilities
If you are going to aim for the moon, probably the arrow you shoot will fall back on you! However, people have always been able to shoot the flying targets in the air! So, your aim can be difficult but it should be within your abilities. You must be having the capability to achieve it or you must be having a desire to yearn that capability. For example- your aim can be to open a boutique! Then it will be important for you to assess whether you have a good knowledge of tailoring subject as well as the fabric quality. Even if you do not have it now, your personal mission statement should include the path of acquiring those abilities first.
- Check the rationale
Another important thing that you should know while writing a mission statement is that you should know why and how you are going to achieve your mission. There should be a sense of purpose to it. Your mission statement cannot include “making 10 donuts at the end of the day”. It has to be something worthwhile. There should be a reason for you to write the personal mission statement with the whole endeavor into it. It must be known that your personal mission statement is going to give a direction to your life from the moment you write it. Therefore, aim for something that has a rationale behind it.
These are a few tips that will help you in preparing yourself before writing your personal mission statement. A few minutes to yourself before writing it can make it really beautiful and meaningful.