What are the scientific reasons behind mesolipo injection for fat reduction?

    Mesolipo injection is a simple aesthetic procedure to shape your body and to get an ideal body cut. This procedure can be done during your visit to the clinic or right after your medical consultation. This procedure is preferred over liposuction because it is a less-invasive treatment that can still yield a wonderful outcome. Mesolipo effects on skin and body weight are undeniable as they are all proven scientifically. Depending on the content of the solution use, this procedure can manage your skin conditions or remove fat from your body that will lead to weight loss.

  The injected solution will slowly and gradually breakdown fat on your body. Fat and weight reduction will occur slowly around three to four weeks. With small needle pricks, you will get a wonderful result similar to surgery that leaves you a larger wound or even scars. Mesolipo injection is an ideal method to suck out your fat and lose more weight. Many areas of the body are suitable for mesolipo injection. They are:

  • Arms
  • Thigh
  • Chin
  • Abdomen
  • Buttock

  This procedure is also effective in removing your double chin. This procedure is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, there are still chances for you to develop side effects from this procedure although it is very unlikely. The complications  are:

  • Bruises
  • Redness
  • Allergic reaction
  • Pain

  If you develop any complication, please see a doctor for treatment if required. You will need a different number of mesolipo injection sessions depending on your weight. Most people require three to four sessions to achieve the desired effect. Obese or fat individuals may require up to six sessions along with an exercise regimen. Your doctor will discuss with you how many sessions are required as it is not just about weight but also body parts involved.

  Some people are prohibited from undergoing this procedure. They are:

  • Nursing mums
  • Pregnant ladies
  • People with autoimmune disease
  • Those with active infection

  What you should do after went through this procedure?

  • You are advised to stay compliant with the treatment plan for at least three sessions, two to four weeks apart.
  • You are also advised to massage the involved areas for 5 minutes, 5 times a day. Repeat that for 5 days straight.
  • You might experience pain, discomfort, and bruises that usually last for not more than six days. If the sensations are intolerable or last longer than six days, please go and see a doctor immediately.
  • Do not consume alcohol
  • You shall continue exercising to boost the effect of this procedure

  Those who are afraid of needles should try this procedure as different approaches can be done to tackle this issue. You will not leave the procedure room with a bad experience. The outcomes will make it a wonderful dream come true.

  This procedure will use fine needles to deliver a specific solution to the mesoderm of your skin. This injection is cost-effective, efficient, and safe for people to get their desired body weight and shape. Mesolipo for weight loss is the modern way to achieve your ideal body weight and shape. People who are involved in the entertainment field are the majority who seek this kind of procedure. They are usually more conscious of their physical appearances and their body weight.