What is poker mining?

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Poker mining is collecting statistics on players. With such statistics it is enough for a foreign player to play just one hand to pick up the stats, based on a thousand hands played by opponents. Thus, it is possible to collect

more detailed statistics to analyze the style and level of training of the player, while without participating in the game itself.

Who uses mining and what for

Poker mining is used to find out about an opponent such information as 3-bet percentage, fold to 3-bet, including VPIP, continuation bet frequency and much more that will improve your win rate. Thanks to him, you can easily climb the limits and not be afraid of unknown opponents.

The fact is that every hand played at the poker table on the Internet saved in text format and added to the distribution history. After wagering many hands of files become a lot, so utilities like Holdam manager and

PokerTracker helps you extract useful information from the entire data set. That is the fact that the programs use data taken from the poker room can already be called data mining.

And there are specialized programs that save hand history files from of all tables on the poker room. The result is a huge number of hands, about 0.5 million per day for each individual limit. And those who work with such programs, sell these giveaways.

Poker mining also helps you move to another poker room, where a large some of the opponents will be beginners. All you need to do is load the information into Hold’em Manager “or” Poker Tracker “, set filters, analyze the played hands and find faces. Also, mining makes it possible to display stats during the game.

Many are interested in the accuracy of mining. This will depend on the poker site rooms and mining provider, but mostly coverage is 95-97%. In some cases, for technical reasons, certain game days, which in general will not drastically affect the accuracy of statistics. The player can independently compare the coverage of mining in the poker room by playing a specific distance and loading mining from limits into a separate database.

Benefits of using poker mining

Table Selection

With a wide base of poker statistics (poker mining), the player will have advantage in the choice of tables. For example, he will be able to mark all the regulars, winning opponents, as well as those who play zero, and fish. Received statistics will give a significant advantage when choosing a table. When using special table scanners like TableScan Turbo, the presence of a mining database will be an important condition for their work, since the selection of tables is based on information from the tracker.

Field trend research

If the poker player has decided to change the poker room, then it is advisable to study the trends

the general field of gamers at the limits where the gaming session is planned. In one poker room, regulars can be tight, and in another, they can be loose. The same goes for the game of fish, where opponents can be more aggressive and bluffing or more passive and ready to call everything on the third pair.

Point analysis of participants

Poker mining allows you to explore the strengths and weaknesses of other players. it will provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the game, choose tactics, and also productively use the faces of opponents, increasing the winrate.

Analysis of the opponents’ field

Using the Hand2Note Range Research tool, you can analyze the entire field players immediately and identify tendencies typical of an average gambler at a certain limit. It also helps to learn how to act in those and whether other situations are against unknown opponents, as well as when there is not enough player data for an exploit.

RNG Honesty and Bot Detection

Analysis of huge amounts of data – an opportunity to understand how theoretical the chances of collecting specific combinations and hands correspond to reality for long distances. Plus, the presence of mining contributes to a quick search for bots and other suspicious participants.

Where to get mining

One of the ways to take mining in poker is to negotiate with other players and transfer stats among themselves. However, this is a long procedure and not everyone is ready to share stats. For mining in poker, you should contact a professional miners who offer hand histories on a large scale and in a timely manner, allowing you to download data in auto mode.

There are specialized online services for this, for example HHMailer.com. Mining available for major world poker rooms (PokerStars, 888Poker, iPoker and others). Poker hands are offered for Hold’em, Omaha and all range of limits. It is important to emphasize that mining at limits from NL2 to NL10 considered free. Therefore, at micro stakes it will be even easier to get financial benefit.

Officially, poker rooms prohibit the use of hand history where the player does not took part, therefore, mining is always used at the risk of the player. On international practice, most poker rooms do not track gamblers

the presence of mining, moreover, they technically cannot do it.

If the poker player will not use third-party applications for mining startup, will not post screenshots / videos with his HUD on the Internet, then the risk will be minimal. Thus, poker mining is a real method to get superiority over participants due to thorough and complete hand analysis.

Poker is a super popular card game that has long ceased to be limited only by gambling tables of land-based casinos. The present and the future of poker belongs to poker rooms, introducing innovations such as virtual games chips. Australian casinos have gained high popularity, attracting an audience from different age groups to play poker.

Did you know that poker legend Doyle Brunson has not yet left the gambling pedestal. The 85-year-old poker player, along with his son Todd, are now teaching beginners to play poker from scratch.

Jack Sylvester

Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copywriting, and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.

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